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Track 1 - Survivor
Track 2 - Jumping Balls
Track 3 - Different Strokes
Track 4 - Early Start
Track 5 - Swinging Skins
Track 6 - Rhythm Function
Track 7 - Timed
Track 8 - Funky Breaks
Track 9 - Greenwich Street
Track 10 - Space Waltz
Track 11 - Productive Facilities
Track 12 - Don't Play That Game
Track 13 - Present News
Track 14 - A Few Cuts
Track 15 - On Disco Street
Track 16 - Morning 1/Morning 2
Track 17 - Drumcrazy
Track 18 - Rudiments
Track 19 - Density
Track 20 - Watch Out
Klaus Weiss began his career as a jazz drummer in the 1960's and he translated those skills through to his library music work which spanned the 70's and 80's, producing records of note on labels such as Coloursound, Golden Ring, Selected Sounds, Conroy and Sonoton. His trademark sound revolved around the use of electronic instruments combined with frenetic and often hard hitting drum beats. These funky nuggets which often clocked in under 2 minutes have captured the imagination of DJ's and music fans in recent years and for good reason, they are damn groovy!
This compilation is mainly made up of tracks from his library albums "Time Signals", "Sound Inventions" and "Sound Music Album No.18" with a few others coming from compilations such as "Puppet Jazz". If you enjoy the comp and would like to check out the full records you can find them over at the excellent Dusty Gems and also at Library Music Rarities. I hope you get as much of a kick out of this as I did putting it together!
Ohh, "Survivor" !
Looking forward ro exploring the rest. Thank you, Mr. Craig!
Michael Schutz from musiclibraryrarities, give us a new compilation "cosmic future groove vol 2" . Craig please take a look here I pay tribute to him here
and please buy his finest compilation !
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