Monday, September 3, 2012


It wasn't until I received a request to reupload Keith Papworth's "Hard Hitter" that I discovered that the wonderful Retro-teque blog has been removed from the internet. I haven't spoken to retronic yet but I gather from his comment at Dusty Shelf that he felt the project had run its course which is sad but completely understandable given the amount of time and energy he has put in over the course of several years.
Not only did retronic create some of the most compelling and enjoyable library music compilations to have ever graced the public's ears but he also made some super cool covers such as the example above. He was a key figure in my decision to start blogging and for that I will always be grateful, I sincerely hope his knowledge and passion will not be entirely lost because he's an absolute treasure.
I'm guilty of not downloading as many of his comps as I should have but in the coming days I will put together a small collection of highlights from the music which he so graciously shared with us all.
I'll also re-up "Hard Hitter" sometime before the weekend.


  1. This is really sad news.
    I discovered Retro-Teque through you, Craig and loved the thought that was put into each album.
    Looks like I'll never be able to get those earlier RT comps now :0(

  2. If its any help, I own most of his compilations that I can share with you and post them on your site. Its to bad we won't be seeing new compilations from RT because that was my number one source for library music.

  3. Thank you for doing this! I found Retro-teque through you about 6 months ago - so I only got a smattering of his goods. But the stuff I got is great.

  4. Very sad news indeed. Glad I was along for the ride while it lasted.

  5. Hear, hear. Well said. And thanks to you as well for all the great stuff you've posted.

  6. I collected an insane amount of dopeness from that blog. Props for acknowledging his!

  7. Indeed. What a great tribute, Craig. I really appreciate that. I love being part of the library- loving community.

  8. I don't get why he had to delete his blog, why didn't he just leave it there and make a note that it's not going to be updated anymore..? At least it could have been of use for new people?

  9. Please say a HUGE thankyou to retronic when you speak. His blog was just the best. I was hoping to see another Sweeney and Prisoner comp appear soon and am devastated they won't now get done. A blog is a lot of work for little thanks in the way of comments, although i think he had had 300,000+ visitors......

  10. A fitting tribute to Retro-teque, without a doubt one of the greatest library blogs to ever grace the internet.

    I think every blog has its natural life-span, especially when its one persons efforts. Having said that, I think he quite rightly got pissed off about the ratio of downloads to comments, which from my own experience (no matter what media you are presenting, averages between 200-300 downloads to one comment...

    And even then, most of the comments are requests for reups, which on one level is fine, I do it, but when that is all you contribute to blogs, it is unsurprising that bloggers enthusiasm waxes and wanes.

    Of course, blog visitors and fans go through the same rhythms, I know I have a few months of intense interest, then I spend the next few months really listening to all the music I have downloaded.

    Having been a purveyor of library blogs for a few years now, it really is amazing how you end up recognising the few people who comment regularly, like Mr Craig and litlgrey to name a couple...yet Retroteque gets 300,000 plus hits, it really shows that most people treat blogs like free I-Tunes.

    My point, I guess, is show some love to the bloggers, even if it is just a polite thank-you.

    kosmikino aka the saucer people

  11. can somebody up a torrent ? I would love to hear some of these compilations!!
