Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Download here

Track 1 - Elikillers
Track 2 - Il Punto Piu' Alto
Track 3 - La Dimostrazione
Track 4 - La Caccia
Track 5 - La Madre
Track 6 - Per Salvarsi
Track 7 - Nel Buio
Track 8 - L'Ombra Della Folia
Track 9 - Lo Squalo Bianco
Track 10 - Una Notte, Una Casa, Un Uomo
Track 11 - 74 Metri Cuore In Gola
Track 12 - Il Sorriso Della Tigre

This collection by Daniele Patucchi contains a truly impressive batch of music suited for use in crime films or spaghetti westerns. The record starts with a funky bang, the first three tracks being upbeat and groovy ( particularly the wonderful breakbeat heavy "La Dimostrazione" ). From there the drama and suspense go up several notches with a more cinematic vibe on display, I especially like the minimalistic "Lo Squalo Bianco" which evokes images of being followed by a stranger on a dark and foggy night.

Claustrophobic, horror inducing and unforgettable, it's a must listen for anyone who enjoys crime music or drama based library records. Credit goes to Sound Research Music Labs for the original upload.