Saturday, February 25, 2012


Track 1 - Motherland Megamix
Track 2 - New Model Army
Track 3 - Numbers Game
Track 4 - Pride Of The Nation
Track 5 - Start 'Em Young
Track 6 - Arirang
Track 7 - Commie Funk
Track 8 - Motherland Redux

Review from Sublime Frequencies - "Schmaltzy synthpop, Revolutionary rock, Cheeky child rap, and a healthy dose of hagiography for Dear Leader Kim Jong-il, this is the now NOW sound of North Korea! A hermit kingdom with a rich folk history and an even richer tradition in over-the-top praise for the ruling House of Kim, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea remains a diplomatic thorn and a culture never Neverland. Boasting a heady mix of Stalin opera, Tokyo karaoke and brooding impressionism, the sound of present-day Pyongyang distills into warped agit-pop and lost-in-time commie funk.

If you’ve ever wondered what goes on in North Korean music, this is your vehicle for exploration. Christiaan Virant has visited this mysterious land and has assembled this amazing audio collage. Captured within are rare live recordings from various performances and mass games demonstrations, sounds lifted from People’s Army television dramas, samples from hard-to-find CD releases obtained in the capital, and of course, news reports from the “real” Radio Pyongyang, which continues to broadcast to this day, albeit under the new, strikingly anodyne moniker “Voice of Korea”."


  1. Nice one comrade! Was over there myself not so long ago sampling the result of pick & mix communism with an unhealthy dose of leader cult gone mad. It's more than curious to speculate on the possible outcome of the latest change at the top. Perhaps a slight relaxing of the tight grip on freedom? A few more parties? (In a one-party state!!)

  2. I've got this album!

    Very interesting sounds, to say the least, and I highly recommend anybody with an ounce of curiosity to give it a listen.

    Thanks for posting all of these excellent sounds!
