Sunday, March 6, 2011



Track 1 - Kosmos / Thomas Luck
Track 2 - Meteoritenschwarm / Andrzej Morkowski
Track 3 - B Alarm / Karl-Ernst Sasse
Track 4 - Die Erde Gruesst Euch Kosmonauten & Main Title / Karl-Ernst Sasse
Track 5 - Im Staub Der Sterne – Das Licht (Part 1) / Ruth Hohmann & Erbe Chor
Track 6 - Wir Rufen Venus / Andrzej Morkowski
Track 7 - Raum Orgel / Günther Fischer
Track 8 - Sklaven-Ballet / Günther Fischer
Track 9 - Wir Rufen Luna / Andrzej Morkowski
Track 10 - Orbit Swing / Karl-Ernst Sasse
Track 11 - Warum Schweigt Die Venus / Andrzej Morkowski
Track 12 - Eolomea / Günther Fischer
Track 13 - Variation / Günther Fischer
Track 14 - Hier Luna / Andrzej Morkowski
Track 15 - Party TEM 4 (Part 1) / Günther Fischer
Track 16 - Blues / Günther Fischer
Track 17 - Luna 3 Ruft Die Kosmonauten  / Andrzej Morkowski
Track 18 - Party TEM 4 (Part 2) / Günther Fischer
Track 19 - Party TEM 4 (Part 3) / Günther Fischer
Track 20 - Raum-Walzer / Günther Fischer
Track 21 - Luna 3 Sonnenreflektor / Andrzej Morkowski
Track 22 - Juana & Terry / Karl-Ernst Sasse
Track 23 - Schluss / Günther Fischer
Track 24 - Der Mensch (Part 2) / Ruth Hohmann & Erbe Chor – Im Staub Der Sterne
Track 25 - Finale / Karl-Ernst Sasse
Track 26 - Outro / Karl-Ernst Sasse
Track 27 - In Den Kosmos / Stern Combo Meisse
Track 28 - Hoch Im All / Cantus-Chor & Orchester Lothar Kehr
Track 29 - Kosmoslied / Hansi Klemm & Günther Fischer-Quintett
Track 30 - Nie Wieder Kosmos / Günther Fischer
Track 31 - Sounds And Dialogues / Cast
Track 32 - Kosmos-Marsch / Karl-Ernst Sasse
Track 33 -  Gruss Den Kosmonautenbrüdern /
                  Rundfunkkinderchor Berlin, The Studio Ensemble,  Pionierchor Omnibus

I don't know where to begin with this incredible collection. In many ways it defies description due to the sheer diversity of musical styles on show, from easy listening, jazz, and classical to rock, electronic and musique concrete. The only common element is the space exploration theme and the typically inventive nature of German composers. While there has been plenty of "outer space" music released before, much of it has been kitsch and corny but this collection manages to be austere and funky at the same time. However, there is some novelty factor for English speaking listeners who will be left wondering what the lyrics actually mean. The real star though is the music itself which sounds more like it's from another dimension than from another planet. Very highly recommended!


  1. thanks for this one!
    cool blog!

  2. The Kosmos album also blew me away when it came out and it really shows just what a treasure trove of sonic high weirdness the electronic music of Soviet era/Eastern Bloc really is...I tried to hunt down some of the original records but to no avail, if anyone fares any better feel free to leave a link!
