Sunday, March 20, 2011


Track 1 - Mixed Grill
Track 2 - Golf Open
Track 3 - Improvisation Pour 2 Voix
Track 4 - Post Scriptum
Track 5 - Samba Dio
Track 6 - Funky Tramway
Track 7 - Flock
Track 8 - Machine Gun
Track 9 - Aerospacial
Track 10 - Sitting Bull
Track 11 - Sunder Fire
Track 12 - Soul Impressions
Track 13 - The Third Power
Track 14 - Trumpet Superstar
Track 15 - Strange Dream
Track 16 - Sometimes Ago

In keeping with this weekends French theme I have a real treat for you. This compilation is the second volume of tracks celebrating the wonderful career of Janko Nilovic. a man who has left an indelible mark on the world of library music and rare groove.  His unique take on jazz and funk is infused with  influences from around the globe with tracks such as "Samba Dio" (Latin), "Post Scriptum" (Exotica) and "Aerospacial" (Crime Funk) all showcasing his range. There is no mistaking the French origins of this music though, especially when it comes to the vocal numbers.

While some of the songs were obviously not created for use as production music they still maintain the same qualities, focused and soulful, funky and memorable. As they say in the classics - it's all killer no filler! If you would like more of Janko's work you can download it here.


  1. Another day, another awesome post. Make that two.

  2. Hey Craig, here's a question which maybe you can answer. This Geico commercial, 'Do Dogs Chase Cats,' the chase scene is ripped from Strange Shadow in an Empty Room, a.k.a. Blazing Magnum. But is the song they're using in the commercial also taken from the film?

    P.S. I'll send the mix to you either later tonight or tommorrow morning at the latest.

  3. That YouTube vid comes back with a message "not available to view in your country" so I can't check it out. I don't think I'm familiar with the film anyway so I doubt I'd be much help on that one sorry.

  4. Ah well. No prob either way.
